This event chaired by, Alexandra Killion, will be a festive evening will be centered around a collection of eight one-of-a-kind dollhouses created by an all-star lineup of builders, architects, and designers. Guests will have the opportunity to bid on the designer dollhouses along with other silent auction items and raffle prizes while they enjoy cocktails, passed hors d’oeuvres and live music. Proceeds from La Petite Maison Gala will benefit A Shelter for Cancer Families, an organization that provides private residences and support services for families receiving cancer care in the Texas Medical Center.
Event Details
Dress Code: Your favorite iconic Barbie or Ken inspired look.
Cocktails, passed hors d'oeuvres and live music.
High top and low top tables w/seats will be available as you mingle about. Some will be reserved for sponsors.
La Petite Maison 2023 is SOLD OUT.
Auction + Raffle
Eight one-of-a-kind dollhouses will be available to the highest bidders in an Online Auction that will be open from 10 AM - 9 PM on October 12, 2023.
In addition, other items will be auctioned and/or raffled off but you must be at the Gala to participate in these.